Monday, October 16, 2006


Hi all,

Yesterday was my lucky day as I have got a new foster family from North Carolina, USA. Their names are :

1. Daddy - Gregory E.Moore ( Greg )
2. Mommy - Sheila Kay ( Sheila )

How do I get to know them ?

Well .... I was at work( Zoo Animal Clinic ) yesterday, playing Yahoo! pool during break time when Greg was happened to be my opponent. He greet me and then approached me to be his global daughter. They have got adopted sons and daughters from all over the world, different races and religions in a family.

Daddy was a retired Law Enforcement Officer, Scientific Investigations Division .... sort of ex-CSI officer. I LOVE watching CSI over AXN ASTRO !!

To My New Daddy and Mommy ... welcome to life. I'll be honored to have you guys.

Till then, take care & Cherio!


Anonymous said...

fuhyoo Wahir.. ade harapan la sikit thn agi kalu boring balik beraye kg sni, leh balik kg Amerika plaks! ehheh.. slamat raye weh... kalu sempat naik/turun dr kedah tu, singgah2le rmh eh.. aku jamu ko jamu nyonya meneer amcam..?!

Anonymous said...

aku rasa hang kena berhati-hati sikit na wahir.. aku rasa macam ada yg tak kena saja ngan website depa tu.