Sunday, January 15, 2006

Hujung Minggu Yang Sedih

Kenapa aku berkata begitu?? Hmmmm...

I received phone call from my sister Jue , saying that one of my closest cousin has passed away at 3 pm yesterday. I was so shocked!! That cousin was the one I used to stay with his family for 2 years when I was studying in UPM. He passed away all of the sudden..not knowing what was the cause of death, nobody around him.. his wife was at the neighbour's, his children were playing at their neighbour's too.. Kak Gie noticed that her hubby was lying with face down in front of the TV, with the front door was widely opened. At first she thought that her hubby was too restless and sleepy ... she called up and there.. her husband was already "meninggal dunia " - left her with 3 children aged between 9 to 17 years old.

I got so many memories with his family, susah senang kitorang bersama for 2 years... Kes dia jadi kes polis sebab sudden death and will go for the autopsy this morning. Ada suspicious sket sebab pintu rumah terbuka luas... mungkinkah dia DIBUNUH?? Well...tunggu je la result autopsy. The autopsy was done at 10 am this morning... and from the result, the cause of death was cardiac arrest due to circulatory heart failure. The pulmonary vein that runs for the heart was blocked with mucose and milky exudates. so the speculation that he was being murdered was totally wrong. May be he do opened the front door to get help from the neighbours but he was too weak to do so. The jenazah dikebumikan di kampung Kak Gie di KM 40, Kpg. Ramuan Cina Kecil, Masjid Tanah, Melaka; just before the Asar prayer. One thing I remember most about Pak Din is dia memang penakut makan ubat , kuat merokok & takut untuk pi jumpa doktor. Kalau sakit pun, di hanya bergantung pada Acetomorphen ( Panadol ) untuk sembuhkan. According to his daughter, Jee'Aa, Pak Din did complaint about chest pain approx. 1 hour prior to his death but his daughter did not inform Kak Gie.

Okay la..enough for today. Hope Kak Gie akan tabah meniti hari-hari yang mendatang.

Take Care..Cherio!

p/s, to My friend AIDA YURANI MOHD ARIFFIN.... Get Well Soon.. jangan takut untuk jumpa doktor.



Channel 11.5 said...

wahir : sorry to you & family. yes, i dah jumpa doctor, and dah baik! hehehe :P

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about that, Wahir.. Moga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya.. amiin! do take care of urself & family k..