Those in the picture were the participants in the Better Spoken Engliah, a 5 days course held in INTIM
( INTAN Kemaman ) from 11-15 March 2012. A very easy going course which only has the practical seesion instead of theory. The dept participated were the ARKIB, JKJR,District office of the Hulu Terengganu, PERHILITAN, STATISTIC Dept, SPR, KKM, UPEN Terengganu , JKM, UTM and INSOLVENSI..
The first 3 days, we learnt the pronunciation and also speechwork. The Fasilitator for the session was Madam Sarimah Tamsi from INTENGAH. A very nice spoken lady. The last 2 days we learnt how to do Oral Presentation by Madam Param , also from INTENGAH
From the 5 days course, there were so many things I've learned in term of improving my speechworks and pronunciation. I also know how to READ a Dictionary, well, reading the diphtongs and others.
For all of you, If you have the opportunity to go for a course like this, just GO! You will enjoy it and learn so many things about the English Language...
That's all for now.
Take Care & Cherio!